Hugo says…

October 5, 2007

… he loves beds and he loves breakfasts! And if there’s a beach thrown in for playing and exercise, it sounds like the cat’s meow of a vacation! The historic town of Hastings in East Sussex is famous for its connection with the battle of Hasting in 1066, although the actual site of the battle […]

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Do Follow Blogroll

October 4, 2007
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Hugo Says…

September 28, 2007

Hugo says his Grandma has a really, really nice friend! Tricia at As the Garden Grows helped when Grandma was so frustrated and ready to give up creating her new blog. Tricia has set up MANY Word Press blogs – ummmmm, at least a DOZEN… So, she’s a pro! Hugo says any friend of Grandma’s […]

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Hugo says…

September 27, 2007

… watch the video of the seagull shoplifter. He’s one smart dogbird to get away with that little trick! Imagine, patrons of the store actually pay for the chips he steals because they think he’s cute. The seagull in Scotland developed the habit of stealing chips from a neighborhood shop. The seagull waits until the […]

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Hugo says…

September 27, 2007

…there are many, many credit cards to choose from at Co-operative Bank and you are sure to find the perfect one to suit your needs. A credit card which earns money for your chosen organization sounds like a wonderful way to contribute to others. Does 0% interest on purchases sound right for you? You can […]

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Hugo says…

September 27, 2007

… he’s feeling much better now, thanks to Grandpa and the vet. Grandpa hasn’t been feeding Hugo any people food lately and it is making a difference, just like the vet said. It’s like night and day and Hugo is acting like a puppy again. A healthy puppy who wants to run and play all […]

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Hugo says…

September 22, 2007

… Grandma is nearly ready for a new laptop computer. It must be portable so she can use it on the boat, in the house or when she’s traveling. The Dell notebook looks like the ‘cat’s meow’. The Vostro has up to 4GB of memory – now that should hold a lot of photos and […]

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Hugo says…

September 22, 2007

… tie that spring line right here to the cleat Grandma! I need to go ashore, not now, but right NOW. Otter bay has a huge parking lot to run a marathonand it’s a very doggy friendly place (as long as I stay off the grass in front of the gift shop). Heehee… Grandpa let […]

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Happy Birthday Hugo!

September 21, 2007

Hugo is ONE year old today! He’s a Boston Terrier and came to live with his Mommy and Daddy when he was 8 weeks. A lovely lady by the name of Darlene from Bossy Bully helped him find his loving home in Beautiful British Columbia. Hugo has an eye which is 1/4 blue – how […]

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Hugo says…

September 21, 2007

… we’re having a pirate party aboard his Grandpa’s boat! Arrrrrggg, it was ‘talk like a pirate’ day on September 19 so all the big people were being awfully silly. They said they were preparing for the party… I had my pirate hat on for a whilebut much preferred this cool red bandana.

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